The Real Sam Shady

We already knew how the Sam Altman movie ended…

And, now we know what the first twenty minutes or so of the Sam Altman/OpenAI Netflix movie will be about.

Turns out, Altman’s ouster had nothing to do with him going all Sammy Side Hustle on ‘em. Rumors were swirling that the board was butt hurt about Sam’s ambitions to build the iPhone of AI and launch a chipmaker to compete with Nvidia.

Some folks “in the know” also mentioned Sam pushing the limits of AI, raising concerns among board members. Because, you know, they liked the human race being atop the food chain…

But, it was actually something much less sexy…

Sam was (and probably still is) kind of a d*ck. And by that I mean he was a huge d*ck to board members and senior employees.

You see, Sam was a puppet master of sorts… and ended up rubbing pretty much everyone on OpenAI’s board the wrong way.

Exhibit A: he disagreed with a paper written by board member Helen Toner. The researcher applauded ChatGPT’s competitor for pumping the brakes on its development.

Altman lost his sh*t and called her out in an email to senior execs. Which, wouldn’t be a big deal, if that’s where the CEO stopped…

But, allegedly, Sam started telling board members that another board member, Tasha McCauley, wanted Toner gone. McCauley says that’s totally false.

This was just one of a sh*t ton of examples of Sam playing games with board members.

Things were so bad that the board kept Sam’s firing a secret until the very end for fear that he’d go all master manipulator to save his sorry a**… which he ended up doing anyway.


Failure to launch

